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First Nations Resources and Guidelines

Read our guide to First Nations content for information on depicting Indigenous stories and filming on Indigenous land.

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The New Boy

First Nations content and inclusive storytelling 

Australian First Nations peoples have living, active cultures and artistic pursuits. Use of Indigenous culture and heritage should be done in consultation with Indigenous elders and communities. We support projects that include First Nations key creatives. 

First Nations assessment 

If your production or development funding application includes First Nations content but no First Nations key creatives, you will need to include in your application your strategy regarding First Nations consultation and consent. It is our expectation that teams in in this situation will have read and will respect the First Nations Pathways and Protocols

If your application includes First Nations content but no First Nations key creatives, and is shortlisted, we may also commission an First Nations assessment, where there is no concurrent First Nations assessment undertaken by Screen Australia. 

The First Nations assessment is made against the following criteria: 

  1. The appropriateness of Indigenous representation and treatment of First Nations cultural heritage material in the project materials submitted, including any issues regarding cultural integrity, authenticity, and sensitive or sacred material. 
  2. The adequacy of any plan for First Nations consultation and consent, taking into account the stage of the project, and the appropriateness of the resources allocated to it. 
  3. The adequacy of the team’s action taken to date enacting their plan for consultation and consent, or other action taken by the team to date regarding the First Nations content in their project. 
  4. Ability of the project to implement any plan for consultation and consent and follow the protocols outlined in Screen Australia’s Pathways and Protocols.
  5. The potential of the project to contribute to a rich, diverse, and appropriate representation of First Nations life in NSW screen culture. 

Opportunities for First Nations screen practitioners

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First Nations Screen Fellowship

If you’re a First Nations filmmaker, check out our exciting First Nations Screen Fellowship. Applications from First Nations screen practitioners are encouraged across all our programs.

Find out more
Blak Storytellers DROVERS WIFE 42121522 Leah Purcell Cropped

First Nations Cultural Consultants

Screen NSW is seeking First Nations screen practitioners and community members to assess First Nations content in applications made to Screen NSW funding rounds. First Nations Cultural Consultants will ensure that representations of First Nations stories are accurate and comprehensive.

Find out more

Working with First Nations communities

Carmen Melissa Barrera and Aidan Paul Mescal Goalpost Pictures

Filming on First Nations land

Filmmakers working on First Nations land are required to get a permit. Contact Local Aboriginal Land Councils for more information if you wish to film on Indigenous land. The NSWALC has a comprehensive directory of Local Aboriginal Land Councils in New South Wales.

The Australian Wars 1 Dylan River

Create NSW Aboriginal Arts and Culture Protocols

Create NSW's Aboriginal Arts and Culture Protocols were developed with the NSW Aboriginal cultural sector. They aim to help the sector to continue to grow and succeed.

Find out more