RGB NSWGov+ScreenNSW Primary 1
News & Media
Past Productions
Travel funding

Domestic Market Travel Support Program

Screen NSW will provide funding for NSW-based individuals or teams travelling to eligible screen industry markets, conventions and conferences within Australia, with the aim to attract support and finance for their projects. Screen NSW will nominate the supported events. 

Start application

Domestic Market Travel Support Program - Screen Forever 2025


Screen NSW will provide funding for NSW-based individuals or teams travelling to eligible screen industry markets, conventions and conferences within Australia, with the aim to attract support and finance for their projects. Screen NSW will nominate the supported events.

Key information

  • Funding amount: $1 to $2,000 in travel support to nominated Screen NSW-supported events (available funding will be determined by Screen NSW)
  • Applications open for Screen Forever round: Thursday 23 January 2025
  • Applications close for Screen Forever round: 2pm, Thursday 13 February 2025

Program objectives

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Provide travel support for emerging or mid-level NSW-based practitioners to attend domestic markets
  • Support NSW creatives who are looking to upskill and connect with the wider Australian screen industry and reinvest back into the NSW screen content landscape
  • Ease the financial burden on practitioners who have been invited into competitive programs at market
  • Support connections that will shape the future of NSW’s creative community and strengthen NSW’s position in the global market.
  • Increase the level of participation of practitioners from the NSW Government key priority areas:
    • Regional NSW   
    • Western Sydney
    • First Nations people   
    • People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds   
    • People with disability or who are d/Deaf
    • LGBTQIA+ people

This program is funded and administered by Screen NSW.

Contact & support

Screen NSW staff are available to provide technical advice and general information to potential applicants on the interpretation of these guidelines, including the types of activity eligible for funding and support with the online application process.

Screen NSW staff cannot help directly with your application. To maintain a fair and equitable process, staff cannot edit or correct any applications or provide advice on the content or choices required against the Assessment Criteria.

For further information or clarification, please contact the Industry Development team [email protected]


Assessment criteria

Your application will be competitively assessed against the following weighted criteria:

Application process

Screen NSW uses the SmartyGrants platform for submission of all applications. Applications made using any other format will not be accepted. Please note you will receive a SmartyGrants acknowledgement of submission.

A preview of the application form can be viewed on the SmartyGrants portal.

Late applications due to technical difficulties will be reviewed and eligibility determined with absolute discretion by the Manager, Industry and Audience Development, Screen NSW. A request for late submission due to technical difficulties must be submitted by email to [email protected] within 60 minutes of the application close time, setting out the reasons for the request, along with any evidence.

Assessment process

Award process

Publication of grants information

Conflict of Interest Management

Complaint handling, access to information and privacy