RGB NSWGov+ScreenNSW Mardi Gras2024
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Crew Connects Placement Program

The Crew Connects Placement Program supports screen practitioners and the NSW film industry by connecting crew members with roles in areas of critical need.

Start application

Host Company applications

Crew Connects Register


The Crew Connects Placement Program is designed to provide professional screen practitioners with credited employment in areas of critical need within the NSW screen industry.

Financed with the assistance of Screen Australia, the $400,000 program funds the placement of emerging crew members who are keen to upskill and advance their careers into roles for up to six months with screen businesses offering the relevant development opportunities.

The aim of the program is to address the shortage of highly skilled technical roles needed for the pipeline of production in NSW.

Funding is available for established production, post-production, VFX and animation companies to engage early to mid-career professional practitioners, to be employed in an area of demonstrable industry demand, within the company or on a production.

Placements can be up to a maximum of six months, providing the practitioner with a credit and valuable hands-on industry experience.

Screen NSW is committed to promoting and supporting gender equality, diversity and inclusiveness in the NSW screen industry. We will prioritise placements that will deliver greater diversity and equality in the industry and require applicants to demonstrate diversity and inclusion in their applications.

We are looking for:

  • Companies (hosts) who have the capacity to employ a practitioner in an area of industry need, providing a significant career and professional skills development opportunity, as well as a credit
  • Crew who have relevant and demonstrable professional experience in areas of screen industry demand.

Key information

  • Applications: Closed (was open until the budget is expended 30 Nov 2023)
  • Funding for companies: Up to $50,000 to support a placement
  • Opportunity for crew: Up to 6-month paid placement

Program objectives

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Develop and increase the local talent pool
  • Support the development of NSW below the line crew by providing training and mentoring in a professional industry environment
  • Fulfill available employment opportunities with local talent
  • Support diversity and inclusion through welcoming and encouraging people from underrepresented groups to apply.

Contact & support

Screen Industry and Audience team
[email protected]

Eligibility – Host companies

Eligibility – Crew

Current targeted roles

Selection criteria

Assessment process

Award process