The NSW Government is offering a 10 percent rebate for eligible digital games.
The NSW Government is offering a 10 per cent rebate for eligible digital games. Games must have a Qualifying NSW Expenditure of at least AU$350,000 to be eligible. This initiative can be stacked alongside the Australian Government’s Digital Games Offset. The Rebate is funded and administered by Screen NSW, as a unit within the Department of Creative Industries, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport (DCITHS).
The objectives of the program are to:
Screen NSW staff are available to provide technical advice and general information to potential applicants on the interpretation of these guidelines, including the types of activity eligible for funding and support with the online application process.
For further information or clarification, please contact Screen NSW on:
Screen NSW staff cannot help directly with your application. To maintain a fair and equitable process, staff cannot edit or correct any applications or provide advice on the content or choices required against the Assessment Criteria.
The Rebate is discretionary, subject to availability of Rebate funds, the track record of the applicant and team and the extent to which the project furthers the objectives of the program.
Applications will be assessed against the following criteria. Screen NSW will apply weightings to each assessment criteria at its discretion, which will apply to all applications considered equally.
Applicants are required to complete an application form and submit requested information, which will include the games development budget for NSW, quotes from NSW suppliers (if applicable) and evidence the project is fully financed or can be financed using projected future revenue streams.
You should apply when the game is production-ready, with confirmed budget, schedule and funding arrangement (e.g. agreement with publisher) or realistic projections of future revenue that ensure the game can be developed to completion.
Once your application has been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation from our online grants system, SmartyGrants.
Applications are assessed as they are received, and in the order, they are received.
The Rebate is discretionary and subject to availability of Rebate funds.
Screen NSW will provide a Provisional Letter based on the assessed information and projected expenditure presented in the application.
The Provisional Letter will set out the Qualifying NSW Expenditure amount, that the applicant will be required to substantiate at acquittal, subject to any Screen NSW permitted variation. The Provisional Letter will also set out the obligations of the recipient of the funding including but not limited to project completion, deliverables and reporting obligations.
Applicants will be required to accept the conditions and sign the Provisional Letter within 5 business days, unless a later date is approved by Screen NSW. The NSW Government makes no binding funding commitment to an applicant unless and until both parties sign the issued Provisional Letter.
The qualifying game development related activities need to commence within three months of the nominated start date unless otherwise agreed in writing with Screen NSW. Claims should be made within six months of project completion, unless otherwise agreed. All claims must be made within three years of the Provisional Letter. If there are extenuating circumstances which results the applicant not being able to meet this deadline, applicants must contact Screen NSW at least six months before the three-year deadline to discuss.
The NSW Government reserves the right to make a public announcement for any project which receives the Rebate. Any public announcement will be made in consultation with the applicant.
We endeavour to notify applicants on the outcome of their application within 6- 12 weeks of registration, subject to all required information being provided.
Screen NSW must be advised if there are any changes to details listed in the Project Details of the Screen NSW issued Provisional Letter including timeframes outlined.
If the Qualifying NSW Expenditure advised at the time of application is to vary by more than 10% or $5 million, the applicant must request a variation to the Provisional Letter. Requests must be made in writing to Screen NSW within 30 business days of the change and before the expenditure is incurred.
Variation request approval is not guaranteed and will be subject to availability of Rebate funds.
Applicants will be required to submit a Final Claim in SmartyGrants.
The following definitions are provided for the purpose of interpreting these terms specific to this program’s guidelines.
PDV & Digital Games
Up to $30,000
Targeted at emerging and small-medium enterprise digital game creators, the fund will provide a grant of up to $30,000 for early-stage game development.
Travel funding
Screen NSW will provide five emerging or mid-level game practitioners from NSW with an all-access ticket and travel support of up to $500 to attend Games Connect Asia Pacific (GCAP) 7-9 October 2024 in Melbourne.