RGB NSWGov+ScreenNSW Mardi Gras2024
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Industry & Audience development

Industry Development Program

The Industry Development Program provides support for one-off or annual events that enhance the NSW screen ecosystem and increase screen professional development opportunities.

Start application

Industry Development Program


The Industry Development Program provides support for one-off or annual events that enhance the NSW screen ecosystem and increase screen professional development opportunities. These events include workshops, masterclasses, forums and targeted professional development activities.

Key information

  • Funding amount: From $5,000 to $200,000
  • Applications opened: 31 July 2024
  • Applications closed: 4pm, 28 August 2024

Program objectives

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Deliver a dynamic and diverse range of screen and digital games experiences to communities across NSW
  • Contribute to the growth and sustainability of a vibrant and accessible screen and digital games sector
  • Support employment, professional connection and networks, and sustainable career pathways for NSW-based screen practitioners through funding professional development and career escalation opportunities
  • Support the growth and impact of NSW-based organisations across the screen and digital games sector
  • Support collaboration, business opportunities and partnerships across the NSW screen, games, and creative industries.

  This program is funded and administered by Screen NSW.

Contact & support

We encourage you to discuss your funding expectation with us prior to making your application. 

Screen NSW staff are available to provide technical advice and general information to potential applicants on the interpretation of these guidelines, including the types of activity eligible for funding and support with the online application process.

Screen NSW staff cannot help directly with your application. To maintain a fair and equitable process, staff cannot edit or correct any applications or provide advice on the content or choices required against the Assessment Criteria.

For further information or clarification, please contact the Screen Industry and Audience team on [email protected].


Selection criteria

All applications are assessed against a common set of five weighted criteria: 

What your application needs to include

Assessment process

Award process


Publication of grants information