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Production funding

Production Finance

The Screen NSW Production Fund invests in NSW production companies, NSW screen projects and NSW creatives to produce or post produce in NSW – feature films, longform adult and children’s drama series; factual and documentary television or online, animation and interactive online screen entertainment. 

Start application

Production Finance


The Screen NSW Production Fund invests in NSW production companies, NSW screen projects and NSW creatives to produce or post produce in NSW – feature films, longform adult and children’s drama series; factual and documentary television or online, animation and interactive online screen entertainment. 

Screen NSW supports a diverse slate of culturally relevant, distinctive, high quality, original screen storytelling that resonates with local and global audiences and delivers exceptional cultural impact.

Applications can be received any time during funding round cycle dates and must clearly address all the assessment criteria. Applications are assessed in the funding rounds published on this webpage.

You will need to submit all the required documents in the Application Materials Checklist.

Screen NSW Terms of Trade must be read in conjunction with the application form and these Guidelines and applications must be compliant with the Terms of Trade.

Key information

  • Funding amount: $0 - $850,000
  • Applications open: 28 April 2025
  • Applications close: 5pm, 22 May 2025
  • Application outcome date: Within 4 weeks of the assessment meeting
  • Decision-maker: Secretary, Department of Creative Industries, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport, or their financial delegate
  • Type of funding opportunity: Open, competitive


Production Finance Rounds 2024
RoundOpen DateClose DateShortlisting DateFTIAC* Date
R92Fri 7 Feb 2025Fri 7 Mar 2025Tue 15 Apr 2025Thurs 1 May 2025
R93Mon 28 Apr 2025Thurs 22 May 2025Tue 1 July 2025Mon 21 July 2025
R94Mon 7 July 2025Tue 5 August 2025Tue 9 Sept 2025Tue 30 Sept 2025
R95Mon 22 Sept 2025Mon 20 Oct 2025Tue 25 Nov 2025Tue 11 Dec 2025


*Film & Television Advisory Committee (FTIAC)

Program objectives

The purpose of funding is to maximise cultural and economic benefits to the state by supporting NSW screen practitioners to create new intellectual property that assists them to realise commercially sustainable businesses and grow the NSW screen sector.

The objectives of the Program are to fund exceptional quality, diverse and engaging fiction and non-fiction screen content that will:

  • Generate employment and economic activity for NSW
  • Make a contribution to Australian culture and storytelling, nationally and internationally
  • Grow the number and size of NSW production companies and provide increased opportunities for NSW key creatives
  • Meet the objectives of Screen NSW‘s diversity commitment.

Fund amount

Individual funding is determined on a case-by-case basis based on the Qualifying NSW Production Expenditure (QNSWPE).

Projects must have a production budget of less than $20,000,000.

Applicants should discuss their funding requests with a Screen NSW Investment Manager prior to submitting an application.

Funding Amounts Available

Successful projects will be entitled to the following percentage of their QNSWPE capped at $850,000:

Project TypePercentage
One-off documentaries10%
Documentary series10%
TV drama including children's5.5%
Digital Online Interactive10%


Our investment is cash flowed into the production and the equity remains with the producer.  In the case of previous development funding from Screen NSW, this amount will be rolled over into producer equity,

Screen NSW requires a minimum amount of 10% contingency to be included in a project’s budget.  However, in some cases where co-investors or broadcasters agree, Screen NSW may approve a slightly lower amount.

In the case where a lower contingency amount is approved, Screen NSW may elect to withhold producer overheads until completion.

Contact & support

Screen NSW staff are available to provide technical advice and general information to potential applicants on the interpretation of these guidelines, including the types of activity eligible for funding and support with the online application process.

For further information or clarification, please contact Screen staff on: [email protected].

Screen NSW staff cannot help directly with your application. To maintain a fair and equitable process, staff cannot edit or correct any applications or provide advice on the content or choices required against the Assessment Criteria.

Selection Criteria

Application process

Assessment of applications

Successful applications

Additional information and resources


Also see the glossary published at https://www.screen.nsw.gov.au/resources/glossary-of-terms for non-program specific definitions.

Annexure A